So new blog January is such a dull month finish what’s left of last year but new ideas taking over your mind. So with piles of administration of last year (yes I know I should keep it up better) and a mind full of ideas I write this blog.
And just a note my blogs are my personal perspective on my life and no theatre or concert reviews. But I love to use these shows as a nice threat in my writing.
Now I ended up in a last minute crazy idea to go to Rob Kemps show Hemel op Aarde (Snollebollekes guy you know from Left to right). But instead of an audience of party people but the average age of my opera choir would be a perfect fit and a few couples of my age. So yes no party but a show about the most famous cemetery of Paris. I should have went for a full goth look that would fit the mood (not the audience nor artist) but a sneaky Veljanov’s shirt might already do the trick or test Rob on his knowledge about Brel.
What Rob has with Paris I have with Berlin.
I deeply respect Rob and I would love to sit with him one day and talk about music and art. But I don’t know much about Paris. I found my love for the city of Berlin. Every time I see an ICE a nice silver bullet between all those yellow with blue trains my heart makes a jump. I want to board it and hope it will take me to Berlin. Visit places the roots of the art I love the small streets of Kreuzberg the rare non tourist one that reminds me of a time of rebellious art. A sense of ever longing freedom even the wall is gone. Even the city has changed I will always love it. Where Rob told the story of him going to the Bar of the roots of the chassions. I’m proud I can say I have been to the K17 the iconic venue for underground and industrial music.
But like Rob told about his meetings an places where his idols have been that he has been there to. I can see I have been on the same stage as he just here in my town Oss. We both have been on the main stage of the Lievekamp no one can take that away from me.
Crowds, one thing I have in common with Rob is that I don’t like crowds. For me that keeps the dream of being on stage to see and feel the crowd but not beeing a number in the mass. Or go with my camera being there in my own bubble with my own personal spaces. Like yesterday I was on the side of row one (number 3 counted from stage) and the couple beside me didn’t show up. And I loved my personal space from left to right no one and even in front of me there was the isle. So I could enjoy the show from inside my own bubble.
But back to my t-shirt. After the show I start talking with a man he made a comment on my t-shirt. He asked me if It was a Jim Morrison shirt but then sees Veljanov on it. So there it it we talked about music he about his love for music from Paris and me about the beauty of the music from Berlin how love for music unites.
And a friend told me it’s oke to groupie now and then. And it’s true we should allow it ourselves and enjoy it. Just for the magic of the moment. Because one day all our inspirations our personal idols will and op in a place like Père Lachaise. So sometimes really just sometimes I will let myself groupie. But also I see the artist sapreated from the person itself.
But one thing if Rob wil go before me and even he will be buried in “just” Best. I will take my grandchild to your grave and make my first true Left to Right. And if I can not do it my self then I hope my grandchild will read this and do it for me. Thats I wish I would love to grant for him.
With love,