Kids testing the UrbanOx skatepark in Oss (NL).

My art & do what makes you happy
Kids testing the UrbanOx skatepark in Oss (NL).
I’m writing this blog in a nostalgic mood. This year I decided to live by the concept “Only do what makes you happy”! So here I’m in my mid-thirties sounding like some much older. When I was a student I loved the hunt for success and the trill of deadlines. But now after a rush up the last ten years it feels like my brain aged twenty years. But isn’t that the whole thing. When we are in the calm and solid waters of our life we start on our inner work.
Look at myself I have a decent job where I’m not even allowed to rush! Yes this sound against all logics of a creative person. But two years ago I started to work in healthcare where I do creative activities with special needs people. So I do only fun things the whole day I make art, music, go on walk. That’s a 180 life change after years of working with tight deadlines and later my own company which gave a lot of stress (specially during corona years). So after a year to settle in the changes I found out that I have free time!! Something I felt like I never had that much. So what to do with it?
Well just find out what makes you happy?
For my it was a Mari Kondo like way of letting things go. Because what does give you a spark in life?
I stared to drop things and let go some contacts (sorry) and picked up contact with some old friends. I stared to build this website to sort out my old work, and it made me feel nostalgic. I made me realise that I miss the thrill of making pictures and work with music. So I decided to stay at the opera develop myself as a singer just for fun. Because it makes me happy. Now I have a chance to make pictures again, lets see if it makes me just as happy as the old days. And crochet??…. Well only when I’m in the mood and makes me happy.
What makes you spark?