Well I guess I can say this is part two of my nostalgic blog (here is part one). After making pictures at Deine Lakaien in Planetarium Bochum it was now time to go back to concert venue’s again. The lighting will be completely different just like the crowd. So like the old days let’s go in the photopit!
It’s almost strange to think that it was over a decade that I have been in the photopit. But maybe it was the magic of Bochum still in my head or the nostalgic theme of the Veljanov tour that made that time hasn’t past. There where a lot of trusted faces that also makes it more comfortable to make pictures. Like Marcus Testory was also 2008 when I have had him in front of my camera for a report “a day with Chamber.”
While the concert in Oberhausen felt like just old school with the type of hall and the dancing people. Berlin felt really special to me. Being there thinking of the cd presentation of Porta Macedonia 16 years ago. The interview with Alexander at Summer Darkness festival in Utrecht 15 years. Celebrating 25 years Secrets of the Silver Tongue and this all on the day that 35 years ago the Berlin wall fell.
Berlin was a evening not just being nostalgic but also one of breaking my own walls that I build up. Walls that I build up to hide my grief and lost vision on where the heart takes you. It was like a coming home again. I guess just to pet my ego maybe I felt the “Anton Corbijn” of the evening and Alexander Veljanov is for me like what’s Bono for Anton Corbijn. That one person in front of you camera that somehow works like magic and always let’s you be on your best.
We will see what the future brings.
Pictures of Oberhausen 2024
Pictures of Berlin 2024

Leave behind what needs to be left behind
Embrace the sun and touch the sky
Sometimes when we think it’s the end
It’s just the beginning
Helene Smits