It sounds so simple trust others and it sounds like an cheesy meme where I would roll my eyes when passing it on socials. But maybe it’s because I haven’t worked in music/art for years that I have a fresh look on everything. It’s all about accepting and connecting with the people you work with. Sometimes it’s communicating with one look or a step aside to direct the whole scene. Or work with someone you look up to but you do not freeze of their knowledge or ego but trust and lean on their experience.
We can learn from the books and over theorize ourself. But even Lisbeth List the queen of Dutch Chasson’s couldn’t even read sheet music but she know how to put the “gefühle” (feeling) in the songs. So yes sometimes we are starstruck or should allow ourself to groupie. Other times we look through the illusions and lift each other and make magic.
Last year I learned to work with other artist and trust on the conductor you work with. Like our own conductor Hans always says: “rather sing a wrong note and connect to the audience than keep your head in your book.”
And he’s right trust on yourself and you team you don’t have to do it on your own. Be sure you know your focus parts and solo’s out of your head so you can shine when you need to. But blend in or let others shine when it’s their turn.
Making art for me is not always be in the front. It’s not trying to outshine others (even it’s tempting sometimes). But is being patient know your place in the team. Knowing your not just a member of the choir or band but you are A member of it. Learn from others who take the lead and take your chance when it’s given. But also trust that you solo will come when you are ready. The more you trust the more confidence you will grow and that will make you grow as an artist.
Connecting is like rebuild someting old.
Break down the walls,
Make a solid foundation
And build the bridge
With love,
Photo gallery concert Klank in de Kerk – Harmonie Semper Crescendo Reek (NL)
Pictures by Gerold Smits