Why I choose documentary photography

As a child I was always singing and dancing. As my mother always tells me that’s the moment when I’m always shining. So my love for music sparked my interest in tour documentaries and photographers like Anton Corbijn. This because I never see myself as a good singer or dancer.  But the magic of music always got my attention. Also the art of fantasy movies and puppeteers. So I decided to study  Multimedia Design to become a director.

During my study’s I had a teacher who had lived the rockstar life in the times of Top of the pops. So he was a big inspiration for me (even I’m not that wild). During my study I found out that I could express myself better with photography. All the freedom and I could work on my own. With a friend from the graphic design study we started Noize Magazine an E-zine (which was revolutionary at that time) with our passion for music, art, fashion and all gothic lifestyle. After we stopped Noize Magazine in the end of 2011. After that I was still studying Documentary Photography at the Art Academy of Sint Joost (NL). And my boyfriend (now husband) had his music promotion company so I still made pictures. But in 2014 after I lost my daughter I stopped making art and (documentary) photography.

Deine Lakaien
In 2007 when we were preparing for Noize Magazine  I was that Deine Lakaien  would come to the Netherlands. Even it was there 20 years tour  I just discovered them during a visit to Berlin where I ended up at their concert with the Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt. I got a photopass and against the note “no backstage access” I ended up meeting them backstage. For four years I have made pictures at several Deine Lakaien and Vejlanov concert and it was always a magical moment and almost a coming home. But as I stopped in 2014 I pushed away everything I loved. But corona times in 2020 brought nostalgic on the table and with endless scrolling time on social media they popped up. So slowly I started to follow them again. And with a warm welcome in Osnabruck  2021 (with all corona measurements) and a welcome home in Koln 2022. It was like all those years gone never existed.
In 2024 I started to sort out my old photography work. And the thought of making pictures again at the Veljanov concert just like “the old days”. So last Saturday I ended up making pictures at the Seiss Planetarium Bochum. After 14 years I was making pictures again. It was like it was 2007 again small venue a magical venue and a perfect balance of listing and capturing the moment.  But now with a upgrade set and it was like my break of photography was never there.

But now still making a tour documentary I again on my bucket list. Well mabe one day? I will see what will come on my path. And now I’m thinking I’m slightly doing that with at the Osse Opera where I’m singing.

Klik here to go the full Deine Lakaien photoseries

Sometimes the only thing that has changed is time
Helene Smits