Let’s make art!!

Let’s make art!!

During my art studies I had a work study at Dynamo making art for concerts with alternative teenagers. Now in my daily life I make art, craft and do fun thinks with special need people. I normally don’t write about my work but this time we had a great project of art and fun. We made a carnaval themed project with an exhibition in the middle of the local city centre.

First a short story of my current work. Two and a half years ago I got the job to guide people with special needs in there daily activities. This so they have a useful and social meaning of there day. The fun thing is we can do all the fun things. Dance, make music (like with boomwhackers), bake, make art, even do production work or a lovely walk in the park. Sometimes we try something and it’s a disaster but there is always fun. That’s what last year became my personal motto “do what makes you happy”. Offcourse writing it like this it only sounds like fun but it’s hard work to and always keep an eye on their needs.

So after almost 15 year I made an art project with a group. The fun thing with guiding a group they always surprise you and inspire. That reflects on you own art and makes you grow yourself as an artist it could crush your boundaries as an artist that are set by the rules of education. So with my work I try things that I would do at home or sing the Phantom of The Opera in public. But working with a group gives a sight of trust and I one goes flat out we don’t care we laugh and maybe try again

You can only fly if you try.

So this project was about making fun and go big. They made drawings of there dream parade wagons and when I said we are going to build them they looked at me that I’m crazy. But it was hart work and I don’t remember how much paper a glue I have seen. But make ideas an let them find solutions on their own when they build and the pride when where finished. The achievement of doing something you couldn’t imaging  to ever do and pull it off. That’s the magic of art! Make something to amaze even it’s just yourself.

The work is exhibited in a shopwindow on an empty store. Local on a spot where the whole city can see it. Yes it isn’t the Louvre, but when we make a small walk with the group. There smiles from ear to ear that’s why I love my job. That’s why I love to make art.

Do what make you happy,